You’ve performed well overall, especially considering your age. You’ll be 32 years old this year and that’s a lot of years. Not that you’re near your end – don’t get me wrong. You’ve got many years left in you, but I hear that as you approach middle age, things start to creak and ache now and then. I expect that when I start approaching middle age, the same things may happen to me. It’s nothing to worry about.
Try not to focus on the few things that are bothering you, like the annoying brake squeal. I know that you aren’t just doing it to spite us. I’m sure it’s the crappy pads that that mechanic installed. Also, that clunking sound. I’m on it. It’s just your stabilizer bar clunking a bit – nothing to worry about. I’ll pull that bracket and persuade it back into shape as soon as I find a shop with a vice. Also, I know your cabinetry needs some work. It’s not your fault. I mean, they built most of you with frickin’ particle board, man. Particle board! That stuff could never last this many years, not to mention the rattles. Just try to keep that stove and refrigerator in place through this trip and I’ll give some serious thought to a complete interior renovation. I mean it. I’ll think really hard about it.
Try instead to focus on the things that are good since your run-in with the mechanic. Your exhaust sounds great right? No leaks from the engine all the way out the back. Oh, and what about the clutch? It’s in awesome shape! You gave us a bit of scare after you got that new one but after I got all that air out of the lines and freshened up that hydraulic fluid, it’s working like a champ! Oh yeah, and you’ve got a lot more power now too. You go right up hill without any troubles now (sorry about the whole fuel pump mishap – my bad). And we can’t have this talk without mentioning your new suspension. Aw, you’re welcome. I did have to pack those air springs all the way in from the US but wow was it worth it, huh? Did you see that incline into that driveway we cleared today? You never would have even come close to making that with your ass dragging like it used to.
So keep your chin up, buddy. I know it’s tough dragging a couple of hobos and a weasel around this place. You cut your teeth in some pretty harsh places in the Pacific Northwest and you’ve got the rust to show for it, but this place is tough man! You’re doing amazing and we really appreciate it. Just try to hold on a couple of more months and I promise there’ll be a nice long rest for your weary bones.
Too much tequila!
ReplyDeleteMark, It's the rattlevan. I hacked Chuck's phone because he's up on top of the van yelling REPOSADOOOOOOO!!! Someone's got to get him under control. I read this post. Now he's writing letters about me? To me? I'm pissed. I think I'm gonna come up with an intermittent electrical problem or something. Maybe a wonky turn signal or an occasional horn honk or something fun like that. That'll teach him.