In the morning, we set out for Lago Yojoa. We stopped for breakfast but passed on the drive-through liquor store. When people say the North Coast of Honduras likes to party, they ain’t kidding.
Mid-morning, we stopped to eat a pineapple at the lake, a beautiful, reed-lined bird paradise.
Here, I must stop and tell you about the pineapple, although I’m actually not sure it’s fair to do so. See, the thing is, unless you’ve been to Honduras, you haven’t tasted a pineapple like this. These pineapples are so sweet that they can’t withstand transport of any duration, no matter how hard the pineapple companies try to develop a system. So in the States -- and even other places in Central America -- we get subpar but hardy pineapples; cheap, sour, ridiculous imitations of the Honduran pineapple. I’m not going to say much more except that we snarfed that entire pineapple down while standing up and then bought two more the very next day.
Our destination for the day was the Parque Nacional Cerro Azul/Meambar, a jungle/cloud forest with well-marked trails and a really nice spot for camping. We got settled and then headed out, and up.
Who can find the rattlevan in this photo? |
Starting out, we knew that there were 28 varieties of snake in the park.
[WARNING: Readers with extreme snake phobias may
want to skip down until I say it’s safe. Hi, Moz!]
But even forwarned, the first snake we saw was pretty disturbing. It was only about as thick as a thumb, but it was more than seven feet long. It was also climbing a tree.
Now, I don’t usually hate snakes, but I didn't like this one at all. Hence, the frequent appearance throughout the rest of the hike of my “Eew, Is That A Snake?” face, which Chuck thoughtfully captured on film:
No more snake pictures from here on out, I promise.]
Now we’re back in Copan Ruinas, en route to Guatemala and then Mexico. Next up, maybe: Why Sandflies Are the Scourge of the Earth, or something about the social life of street dogs (and Lena).
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