1. No matter how committed you are initially to using environmental and all-natural bug spray, you'll realize quite quickly in Central America that DEET is your friend. Your very, very good friend.
2. It is possible to go four months (and counting) wearing only the following clothing: one pair of jeans, one pair of pants, two sundresses, two t-shirts, two tank tops, and one long-sleeve shirt. You really don't need more clothing than that.
3. Wash-and-fold laundry is the best thing in the world.
3. Hygiene is a relative concept, and swimming (ocean, lake, or pool) definitely counts as showering.
4. It is possible to live for four months (and counting) without apples, and without kale. Difficult, but possible.
5. No matter how many times you'll see dog or horse roadkill, it'll always suck.
6. You'll hate yourself for it, but goddamn after a few months you'll really start wanting a giant Starbucks coffee in a paper cup. With a lid. To drink while driving your car. What a jerk you are.
7. After you've been on vacation for three months, a well-meaning woman on her week-long trip will recommend a masseuse to you. Immediately -- rudely but inadvertently so -- you'll laugh in her face and exclaim, "But I'm already just so relaxed!"
8. After four months and counting, you'll wonder out loud where you'll buy water once you get back to the States, because you'll actually forget it's possible to drink the tap water there.
9. After three months in Central America, Mexico will feel like the United States.
10. After going for days on end without internet access, having access will seem like the most amazing thing in the world.
11. After half an hour of internet access, you'll remember that the internet isn't that exciting after all.
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